President Evil Online: The net's ONLY horror n' humor political parody website!
Savage Satire! NeoConspiracies! Terrifying Revelations! Obvious Truths!

I LOVE horror movies, man...
I just don't want to live in one.

Through Thick And Thin, Dick Cheney Grimaces On!



The Halliburton Horror

 Deep in the shadowed darkness of his undisclosed secret undersea lair, the hideous OctoCheney watches and waits...

Our Nation's Creepy Veepee




Dick Cheney: Man of a Thousand Scowling Faces


As you can see, this handsome devil is one of my very favorite subjects... maybe it's that mysterious grin of his; he haunts my dreams like some sort of strangely sinister and surreal Mona Lisa of Doom, roughly speaking... oddly enough, from this particular infernal muse flow some of my loveliest images...

Click here to see a TRULY lovely image of

Dick Cheney's Head Exploding!

(animated gif--no player required) 



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All Evil Toons, All The Time!

President Evil Online Home


Intro to Evil Incarnate 101

  The Lovely Dick Cheney Page

  Four More Beers, Quick!


  Stoopidity for Dummies

Our Leaders Are Chucky-Dolls
Bob Dylan Public Service Message



 Meet the REAL Fockers!

  Revenge of the Living Rummy

 The Halliburton Horror

President Pinhead

  More Stoopider Even

Obscenity of the Week

Flying Crazee Clown Faces!!!


Other Neat & Scary Stuff

Millions are Horrified!!!


The Scary News

The Bipolar Bowler

  More Funny Poem-Things



 Michael Jackson Has 17 Assholes!


 Evil Alien Clone EXPOSE! 


 The Surreal News


 The OJ Simpson Defense Rap


 Who The Hell Am I, Anyway? 

 Does This Look Like a Bigfoot To You?

   Anne Coulter Alien Anal Probing Scandal!

Hail, Well-Met Fellow Inmates!


Twilight Eyes: Dark Visions by Swamp Rat


IMPEACH HIM! by hiley


 Class Warfare: A Photo-Essay by BlueBear


A Planet Full of Hitlers by Octafish


 NEVER FORGET: animations by hyakamooks

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All material on this site is ©Copyright 2005 by Daniel Xavier Stone. All rights reserved.